
Quality Assurance

作者: 发布时间:2017-03-29 浏览量:1

未命名_副本.jpgxTe山西半岛全站 药业股份有限公司

xTe山西半岛全站 药业股份有限公司

xTe山西半岛全站 药业股份有限公司

To begin from the raw material,we built GAP base of green Chinese herbs and hawthorn base along the golden triangle of the yellow river region. Also, we persist in high standard, strict requirement and control from the  first level. xTe山西半岛全站 药业股份有限公司

核能辐射基地_副本.jpgxTe山西半岛全站 药业股份有限公司

xTe山西半岛全站 药业股份有限公司

We established a unique nuclear radiation research center in Chinese pharmaceutical industry and have realized NPT sterilization to greatly maintain the activeingredients of the drugs.xTe山西半岛全站 药业股份有限公司

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xTe山西半岛全站 药业股份有限公司

xTe山西半岛全站 药业股份有限公司

We introduced advanced inspection facilities and establish a complete quality assurance system to assure the quality fundamentally.xTe山西半岛全站 药业股份有限公司

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xTe山西半岛全站 药业股份有限公司

We brought in high-tech and world-class facilities,  also adapted new crafts and techniques to form assembly lines of preparations and automatic packaging. Consequently, our series medicines  ofInstant  Effect have  more  reliable  quality  and  more  curative  effect.xTe山西半岛全站 药业股份有限公司

上一篇:Our Objective
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